Modern Affiliate Marketing

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What you will learn:


Modern Affiliate Marketing Strategies


Affiliate marketing recap

How affiliate marketing works

- Sponsor has product

- Sponsor sets up an affiliate program OR

- Sponsor signs up for an affiliate network

- Sponsor recruits affiliates OR

- Affiliate network publishers sign up for sponsor’s program

- Affiliate signs up and gets affiliate link

- Affiliate drives traffic to link

- Traffic converts (buys something / clicks ad / enters email or zip code), affiliate EARNS

- Either sponsor pays affiliate directly OR affiliate network pays affiliate

The mechanics of affiliate marketing have not changed

Strategies, however, have to change based on

- changes in traffic sources

- changes in conversion strategies

This book teaches you critical affiliate marketing strategies involving the following key decisions:

a) How pick the right affiliate programs
b) How to create niche-focused conversion systems
c) How to drive traffic to your conversion system
d) How to fine tune and scale up your system

The following chapters step you through these key decisions


Picking your niche based on ROI and other crucial factors
Picking the right affiliate program to promote all boils down to ROI

- Return on investment: how to get the most return for every dollar you spend on your business

- Return on effort: get as much money out while putting as little time and effort in

Heavy focus on the commercial value of your niche

To maximize your ROI and ROE, you need to pick the right niche first then pick the right affiliate


Niche selection process

Step 1: Be clear on your personal interests (what are you passionate about – because aff marketing is a

long term game)

Strategy: You don’t want to lose interest – especially during the ramp up period when revenue is going

to be low to nonexistent

Step 2: Use GKPT to find commercial value of keywords related to your niches (pick middle of the


Strategy: Pick a commercially attractive niche to make sure there’s enough affiliate programs to target.

This step focuses on ROI

Step 3: Use GKPT to find search volume (demand level – pick something in the middle)

Strategy: Target niches that have a decent demand (not too high / not too low either)

Step 4: Use Google search to find competition level

Strategy: Do not target niches that are saturated

Step 5: Check keywords on social media platforms to determine coverage

Strategy: Pick niches that already have a decent amount of interest groups / promotional platforms on

social media

Step 6: Check Google Trends to make sure your niche is stable or growing in demand

Strategy: Pick niches that haven’t peaked so you can ride it up and position yourself to get more traffic

over time


Picking the right affiliate program to maximize conversions

Target a wide range of affiliate monetization methods

- Pay Per Click: Adsense / Native Ads

- Pay Per Sale: Clickbank / JVZoo / Peerfly / Shareasale / CJ

- Pay Per Action (email / zip code): Maxbounty / Peerfly

- Merchandise affiliate program: Amazon

Selection steps

Is the offer directly or closely related to your niche?

Is the offer already heavily promoted?

How easy is the conversion point of the OFFER (click > email or form > sale)?

How flexible is the program in terms of advertising? (own materials or you’re free to come up with

your own materials)

Do they offer flexible landing pages? (ie., email page / social media page / freebie giveaway / etc)

Do they allow tracking urls?

Do they allow redirect domains?

How much does the program pay?

How many offers does the program have?

Can the program be promoted using a wide range of conversion systems?

- ads / content links / mailing list ads / co-registration


How to create niche-focused conversion systems

What is a conversion system?

- Tool you use to convert traffic into cash

Available Conversion Systems

- Direct promotion of link (ie., drive traffic to link directly via Traffic Buys)


- Content-based ad traffic (ie., drive traffic to your content site and visitors click ads or text links)


- Email-based traffic (ie., build up mailing list then send traffic via confirmation or via update links)


- Review traffic (ie., review the offer and attract direct traffic)


VARIATION: Anti-scam / Anti-fraud traffic (“KEYWORD” Scam or Fraud?) - use fear to get search


- Video traffic (ie., create video / upload to Youtube / get traffic from link in description section)


- Search Platform with original content (airline sites / hotel booking sites)


- Niche Product Review Platform (Tripadvisor)



Traffic Generation Strategies

The GOLDEN RULE of Online Marketing: To Make Money, You have to Drive Traffic and Convert ItNo way around this rule – this is how you make your own GOLD

Category 1: Direct traffic for your link
- FB Ad buys

* Come up with basic profiles and optimize later / this is trial and error so start with many small buys

to establish winning pattern quickly

* Use source-targeted / page targeted tracking for your REDIRECT domain

* Hide ultimate source from affiliate program or sponsor


- Adwords Placements

* Use redirect domain or ‘value-added intermediate’ page

* Use source-targeted / page targeted tracking for your REDIRECT domain

* Hide ultimate source from affiliate program or sponsor


- Direct Blogger / Authority site outreach

* Same niche / ask for test buy / negotiate best price

* Use source-targeted / page targeted tracking for your REDIRECT domain

* Hide ultimate source from affiliate program or sponsor


- Influencer outreach

* Twitter / Instagram / Youtube channels / FB pages / FB group admin

* Same niche / ask for test buy / negotiate best price

* Use source-targeted / page targeted tracking for your REDIRECT domain

* Hide ultimate source from affiliate program or sponsor


- Blogger / Authority site outreach for mailing list building

* Pay for placement of your content to promote your mailing link in the content

* Same niche / ask for test buy / negotiate best price


Category 2: SEO

SEO in a nutshel

- On page: target keywords / nav system / content / shortcuts: Yoast SEO WP Plugin

- Off page: get backlinks

- How to get backlinks

* use reverse engineered ‘best’ content

* guest posts

* scholarship

* press release

* SEO outreach

* find deadlinks quality sites in your niche link to and ask them to link to you instead


Category 3: Social Media

Youtube review videos

- Target the right keywords

- Short videos / Clickbait titles + image / LSI keywords in title + description /mention keyword in

video itself / promote video to get views up = social proof


Facebook video content

- URL in description section

- allows for hashtags

- share on page / personal wall / groups


Facebook site link content

- Facebook allows for custom description

- FB draws up preview automatically

- Graphic must attract attention

* Similar to Google Plus


Twitter Tweets

- Post your link with description in tweets

- Keep republishing at strategic times

- Pair with hashtags



- Share photos related to your niche

- Users must click on your profile to see aff link

- Target niche-specific hashtags



- Share photos related to your niche

- Users click to go to your affiliate site

Category 4 : Forums

- must link to content with VALUE

- very allergic to spam

- Build credibility first



- must link to content with VALUE

- very allergic to spam

- Build credibility first


Niche-specific forum

- must link to content with VALUE

- can be very allergic to spam

- Build credibility first


Category 5 : Question and Answer platforms

Yahoo Answers

- Get Level 3 account to post answers with links

- Very targeted

- Gets banned if abused



- Answer targeted questions

* Can post link directly even if newbie

* Quick ban if abusive


Category 6: 3rd party blog traffic
Guest posts

* Niche targeted

* Approved by host site

* Credible / ‘official’ traffic

* Traffic based on quality of content / traffic volume of host site



* Can post link in name or in body of comment (must be high quality)

* Quick ban if abusive



Traffic Optimization Strategies
Optimization basics

* Discover what works

* Do more of it

* Come up with variations

* Pick variation that improves results

* Keep improving it

* Use element by element approach NOT total change

Facebook Ads

Do multiple test buys

- Pick winning text and image combo

- Element by element optimization (don’t optimize in clusters / optimize one element at a time)

- Decide between building email list or converting directly

Google Adwords

- PPC keyword buys – must be high intent

- Drive to Landing page

- Conduct multiple tests

- Increase your quality score through constant testing

Content-based ad traffic (ie., drive traffic to your content site and visitors click ads or text links)

* clickbait (Scam / Fraud alert posts )

* clickbait for social media promoted blog posts

* newsjacking

Email list marketing

* Trial and error testing for freebie

* Trial and error testing for squeeze page

* Trial and error testing for headlines

* Trial and error testing for email body

* Trial and error testing for call to action

Review content optimization

* Trial and error testing for title

* Trial and error testing for format

* Trial and error testing for page layout

Video content optimization

* Trial and error testing for keyword targets

* Trial and error testing for title / description

* Trial and error testing for how aff is being promoted (squeeze page or direct link)

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